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Facultad de Enfermería


A continuación se detallan las competencias recogidas en la Orden Ministerial CIN/2134/2008, de 3 de julio, por la que se establecen los requisitos para la verificación de los títulos universitarios oficiales que habiliten para el ejercicio de la profesión de Enfermero (BOE 174 de 19 de Julio de 2008) y de acuerdo con lo establecido en el RD 1393/2007 por el que se establece la Ordenación de las Enseñanzas Universitarias Oficiales:

CB1 Being able, within the Nursery field, of developing a professional and technical health care appropiated to the needs of the people, according to the development of scientific knowledge in every moment and to the quality and security levels established by the current legal and deontological rules.
CB2 Plan and take care of people, families or groups, focused on the results in health and evaluating its impact, through clinical and healthcare practice guides, which describe the processes used to diagnose, treat or care about a health problem.
CB3 Know and apply the fundaments and theoretical and methodological principles of Nursery.
CB4 Understand the interactive behavior of people, according to their gender, group or community, within their own social and multicultural context.
CB5 Design care systems adressed to people, families or groups, evaluating their impact and setting any required modifications.
CB6 Rely the nursery interventions on the scientific evidence and on the avaiable means.
CB7 Understand people without prejudices, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, insuring their opinions, beliefs and values, guaranteeing their right to privacy, through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
CB8 Promote and respect the right of participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in the decisions of the people we take care of, according to the way they´re living their health/illness process.
CB9 Encourage patients to have healthy lifestyles and self-care, supporting the maintenance of preventive and therapeutic actions.
CB10 Protect people, families and groups’ health and wellness, guaranteeing their security.
CB11 Establish an efficient communication with patients, families, social groups and partners, promoting health education.
CB12 Know the ethical and deontological code of Spanish Nursery, understanding the ethical implications of health in a worldwide context in transformation.
CB13 Know the principles of health and socio-health financing, using the avaiable resources appropiately.
CB14 Establish mechanisms of evaluation, considering the scientific-technical and quality aspects.
CB15 Work with the team of professionals as a basic unit, where all professionals and other workers from the health organizations will be structured in a uni or multi-disciplinary ways.
CB16 Know the systems of health information.
CB17 Perform Nursing care based on the comprehensive health care, needing a multi-professional cooperation with the integration of different processes and care continuity.
CB18 Know the strategies to adopt measures of comfort and care for the symptoms, focused on the patient and families, applying palliative care to ease the situation of terminal patients.

Basic Common Training CE1 Know and identify the structures and functions of the human body. Understand the molecular and physiological bases of cells and tissues.
CE2 Know the physiopatological processes, their manifestations and the risk factors that determine health or disease status in the different stages of the circle of life.
CE3 Recognize the vital risk situations and be able to develop basic and advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers.
CE4 Apply the technologies and the systems of information and communication for health caring.
CE5 Analyze stadistical data about population studies, being able to identify the possible causes of health issues.
CE6 Identify the psychosocial responses of people to different health situations (in particular, illness and suffering), choosing the appropiate actions to provide help in them.
CE7 Establish an empathetic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, according to the situation of each person, health issue and stage of development.
CE8 Use strategies and skills that provide an effective communication with patients, family and social groups, and the expression of worries and interests.
CE9 Know the use and indications of medical devices linked to Nursing care.
CE10 Know the different drug groups, their authorisation principles, uses and indications, and their actions mechanisms.
CE11 Use of drugs, evaluating the expected benefits and their risks and/or side-effects.
CE12 Know and rate the nutritional needs of healthy people and of people with health problems all through their circle of life, to promote and reinforce the patterns of healthy eating behavior. Identify the nutrients and foods in which they are found. Identify the most prevalent nutritional problems and choose the proper dietary recommendations.
CE13 Know and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from machist violence to train the student in its prevention, early detection, care and rehabilitation of the victims of this kind of violence.
Nursery Science  CE14 Identify, integrate and relate the concept of health and care from a historical perspective, to understand the evolution of Nursing Care.
CE15 Understand from an ontological and epistemological perspective, the evolution of the main concepts that make up the Nursing discipline, as well as the most relevant theorical models, applying the scientific métodology in the process of caring and developing the proper care plans.
CE16 Apply the Nursing process to provice and guarantee the welfare quality and safety to the people.
CE17 Know and apply the principles that support the integral Nursing care.
CE18 Drive, evaluate and provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community.
CE19 Capacity to describe the fundaments of primary health level and the activities to develop to provide an integral Nursing care to the individual, family and community.
CE20 Understand the fuction, activities and the cooperative atitude that the professional must develop within a Primary Health Care team.
CE21 Promote the participation of people, families and groups in their health-disease process.
CE22 Identify the factors related to health and the problems of the enviroment, to take care of the people in health-disease situations as members of a community.
CE23 Identify and analyze the influence of intern and extern factors on health in individuals and groups.
CE24 Apply the necessary methods and procedures within its ambit to identify the most relevant health problems within a community.
CE25 Educate, provide and support the health and wellness of the community members, whose lives are affected by health problems, risk, suffering, illness, inability or death.
CE26 Know the health changes in an adult, identifying the manifestations that happen in the different stages.
CE27 Identify the care needs derived from health problems.
CE28 Analyse the recovered data from the assessment, prioritize the problems of the adult patient, establish and run the care plan and evaluate it.
CE29 Perform the techniques and procedures of Nursing care, establishing a terapeutic bond with the patients and their families.
CE30 Choose the interventions focused on treating or preventing the problems derived from health deflections.
CE31 Have a cooperative atitude with the different members of the team.
CE32 Identify the features of women through the different stages of their reproductive cicle and through the climateric and the alterations that can happen, providing the necessary care in each stage.
CE33 Apply the general care during the maternity process to provide the adaptation of women and newborns to the new requirements and prevent complications.
CE34 Know the palliative care and control of the pain to provide care that ease the situation of advanced and terminal patients.
CE35 Know the specific aspects of the newborn cares.
CE36 Identify the characteristics of the different childhood and teenage stages and the factors that determine the average growth and develop pattern.
CE37 Know the most usual sicknesses in childhood and identify their manifestations.
CE38 Analyze the data from the assessment of the child, identifying the Nursing problems and the complications that can happen.
CE39 Apply the techniques that make up the Nursing care, setting up a terapeutic bond with the children and their caregivers.
CE40 Choose the interventions focused on the healthy and sick child, aswell as the derived from the diagnosis and treatment methods.
CE41 Be able of educating the parents in health and primary care.
CE42 Understand the changes related to the aging process and its effects on health.
CE43 Identify the structural, fuctional and psychological modifications, and the lifestyles modifications related to the aging process.
CE44 Know the most frequent health problems in old people.
CE45 Choose the care interventions focused on treating or preventing health problems and their adaptations to daily life through resources and support to the old person.
CE46 Know the Spanish Health System.
CE47 Identify the characteristics of the head function of the Nursing services and the care management
CE48 Know and be able of applying the techniques of group management.
CE49 Know the applicable legislation and the ethical and deontological code of the Spanish Nursing, inspired in the European code of ethics and deontology of Nursing.
CE50 Provice care, guaranteing the right to dignity, privacy, confidentiality and the ability of the patient and their family to choose.
CE51 Individualize care considering age, gender, cultural differences, ethnic group, beliefs and values.
CE52 Know the most relevant mental health problems through the different stages of the circle of life, providing integral and efficient care within the Nursing field.
Practices and


CE53 Professional practices, in the form of independent clinical rotation with a final evaluation of skills, in Primary Health Care Centers, Hospitals and other assintance centers that allow the student to: Incorporate professional values, assistance communication skills, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgement, integrated in the professional practice the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Nursery, based in prínciples and values, associated to the described skills in the general objectives and in the subjects within the Title.
CE54 Degree Ending Work (In Spanish TFG), associated to the different subjects, which will allow the student to: Design, develop and present and defent a quality Project that links the integral formation with the practice of nursing care.
CTG1 Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CTG2 Capacity for organization and planification.
CTG3 Spoken and written communication skills in mother language.
CTG4 Knowledge of a foreign language (ENGLISH)
CTG5 Capacity and skills to use TICs for clinic, terapeutic, preventive and investigation activities.
CTG6 Capacity to manage information.
CTG7 Communication skills.
CTG8 Capacity to solve problems.
CTG9 Capacity to make decisions.
CTG10 Skills for team working.
CTG11 Skills for interdisciplinary team work.
CTG12 Skills for a worldwide work.
CTG13 Skills for relationships.
CTG14 Capacity to recognize diversity and multiculturalism.
CTG15 Skills for critical reasoning and analysis.


CTG16 Ethical compromise.
CTG17 Skills for self-learning.
CTG18 Skills for adaptation to new situations.
CTG19 Creativity.
CTG20 Leadership.
CTG21 Knowledge of other cultures and customs.
CTG22 Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
CTG23 Motivation for quality.
CTG24 Sensitivity towards environmental topics.
CTG25 Capacity to observe.
CTG26 Security.