Datos del Titulo
Degree identification data
Name: Nursery Gratuate Degree, by the University of Cádiz
Centro responsable: Universidad de Cádiz
Centers where you can study the Degree:
- Faculty of Nursery and Physiotherapy (Also its extension in Jerez) Campus of Cádiz.
- Faculty of Nursery. Campus Bahía de Algeciras.
- Faculty of Nursery “Salus Infirmorum”, assigned center to the University of Cádiz.
University´s centers
- Faculty of Nursery and Physiotherapy (Also its extension in Jerez) Campus of Cádiz.
- Faculty of Nursery. Campus Bahía de Algeciras.
Assigned center:
- Faculty of Nursery “Salus Infirmorum”, assigned center to the University of Cádiz.
Publishment Date of the Degree: 30/10/2009
First academic course of the Degree: 2009-2010
Learning Area: Health Science
Duration of the program (credits/year): 240 credits/4 years
Kind of teaching: Class Attendance
Languages in which the Degree is taught: Spanish, though certain activities require the use of English resources.
Normas de permanencia: Reglamento Permanencia Universidad de Cádiz
Salidas académicas y profesionales
Profession for which the Degree qualifies students: Nurse